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Mike Jennings to participate in CIPA’s US roadshows in April

Discussing EPO developments and patentability of computer-implemented inventions in the era of AI

In April 2019, the Charted Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) will lead a series of intellectual property roadshows in the USA, with participation from the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA), the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) and Sir Colin Birss, a judge of the Patents Court of England and Wales, in Washington (22d), Boston (23rd) and Palo Alto (25th).

AA Thornton  Partner Mike Jennings has been invited to take part in this trip, to speak about “hot” European patent topics including EPO developments that could help applicants to achieve faster grant and to control European patenting costs, and to explain the current EPO approach when assessing the patentability of computer-implemented algorithms such as inventions that use artificial intelligence.

Julia Florence, CIPA’s new President explained: “Our key message to our US colleagues, for whom we conduct much European work, will be that, because the European Patent Office is not an EU institution, our work for them in Europe can continue unaffected. We will also be giving updates on other aspects of intellectual property and will promote the UK as a hub for intellectual property services and dispute resolution.

“We know that, following Brexit, the UK Government is keen to negotiate trade deals outside the EU and we need our voice to be heard in relation to the IP aspects of such agreements. I am pleased to say that we are already engaged with Department for International Trade and the UK IPO on this and it will be vital to maintain this throughout the coming year.”

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