All of the Partners & People of AA Thornton are joining forces with Venner Shipley
We work with clients across all industry sectors to put in place effective strategies for the protection and commercialisation of their intellectual property (IP).
The IP strategy should be aligned with a company’s business strategy and, simply put, is a plan to acquire IP assets and/or leverage the most value from existing IP assets.
In order to maximise the use of a company’s IP assets we work with our clients to identify the IP assets they have and carry out an IP audit, helping to determine:
- What IP they have that can be protected;
- Where there are gaps in protection;
- The risks and opportunities, looking beyond the current business model;
- And ultimately whether the IP is aligned with the business strategy or if they are spending money unnecessarily.
We understand that clients want to monetise and exploit their IP assets to achieve their business goals and we work with them to do this in line with the agreed strategy; and with a commercial focus.
Should matters become litigious we also develop litigation strategies which include putting procedures in place to improve potential contentious positions and coordination of cross-jurisdictional disputes.
Our services include:
- IP audits
- IP due diligence
- IP portfolio management and maintenance advice
- Project reviews to identify potential IP
- Strategy reviews
- IP Litigation strategic advice
- Marketplace and competitor surveillance